Happy Chewsday everybody!

Koala DeFi #BSC
2 min readSep 28, 2021


Today we’re re-branding our Tuesdays to Chewsdays! So happy Chewsday everybody!

You heard it right, starting today Koala Defi is going to do a weekly token feeding frenzy (token burn) on Tuesdays starting today! The first feeding frenzy will take place after this blog! Of course we will keep you updated about the amount burned on Chewsdays, make sure to follow our twitter.

If you’re new to our platform and don’t know about feeding/eating/chewing yet, Koala Defi prefers the term “eat/chew” tokens when talking about burning tokens because of the horrible bush fires Australia suffered and the impact it had on koalabears and their natural habitat.

What tokens will get eaten in Chewsdays feeding frenzies?

  • Lyptus and Nalis collected in the NFK sales.
  • A part of the platform fee for IKOs will be used to buyback and burn tokens from the market.
  • Random amounts from the dev wallet when the budget allows it.

We are also considering some really great community contests. For example: you might be able to win / earn a NFK if you decide to eat (burn) some of the tokens in your wallet! We’re currently looking into all possibilities for some fantastic feeding frenzies! We all know koalas love their eucaLYPTUS vimiNALIS!

We’re always open to suggestions from our great community, so if you have ideas, please let us know in the @koaladefichat TG group or sent your suggestion on one of our other social media channels.

