How to buy đ$LYPTUS
đ¤ Mandatory: have a working wallet and liquidity to buy $LYPTUS, read the following article to create a Binance account and install Metamask Wallet: How to use on Binance Smart Chain (BSC) to generate money
Go to and click âConnectâ (top right)
Click on ânextâ & âconnectâ on the MetaMask notification window, and you should see your address at the top. Then, click on âTradeâ > âExchangeâ in the left menu.
Note: If you see the âConnectâ button after switching from one page to another, just click on it to re-connect to your MetaMask account.
Now, we are going to exchange BNB for LYPTUS using swape. The target is to have both of them at a 50/50 ratio, while keeping some BNB for the network transaction fees. As I have ~2BNB, iâm gonna exchange 1BNB for LYPTUS.
If you want to choose another pair, feel free!
Click on âApproveâ and then âSwapâ, accept the transaction on MetaMask, wait for confirmation and itâs done: we have our BNB & LYPTUS tokens.
Note: You can use Apeswap DEX if you prefer
Create the token pair
Now that we have everything, go in âLiquidityâ on Koaladefi, and click on âAdd liquidityâ. Select âLYPTUSâ and click âMAXâ to put all your LYPTUS tokens, and the corresponding amount in BNB.
Approve LYPTUS by clicking âApproveâ button and confirm on MetaMask (it will call the smart contract, which will incurs some fees (~ 0.2$)).
When approved, you will be able to âsupplyâ your tokens and create LP token (the corresponding pair âBNB-LYPTUSâ). Click on âsupplyâ button, validate on Koaladefi and on MetaMask, wait for the transaction to be done, and you should see your LP tokens.
Farms to earnđ$LYPTUS
Finally, click on âFarmsâ in the left menu. Select the corresponding farm (in our case, the âLYPTUS-BNB LPâ) and click on âApprove contractâ button. Again, this will call the smart contract and some transaction fees will occurs (~0.09$).
When contract is approved, click on â+â, click on âMAXâ in the popup and Confirm. Validate the transaction in the MetaMask notification window, and thatâs it!
Now, you just have to wait and check every day or so to âharvestâ your earned đ $LYPTUS! (stake it in Pools to earn more tokens!)
The profit rate depends on the LP you choose, and it can vary drastically from one day to another, so itâs important to follow up every 1â2 days.