Lyptus 2.0, same contract, different token!

Koala DeFi #BSC
3 min readJul 6, 2021


You might not have noticed it yet, but together with Koala Defi, Lyptus also got a big update! We know it’s not really visible yet and some of you might not know about all of these changes, but let us tell you about the brand new Lyptus and it’s role in Koala Defi Version 2. 💰We will announce more great news about Lyptus pretty soon!

Same contract, different token!

First and most important, Lyptus went from an inflationary token to a deflationary token with eating (burn) mechanisms.
So what does this mean? Lyptus will become scarce! 🚀🚀🚀

Before July 8, every 3 seconds 1 $lyptus got minted (created). This means every day, 28.800 Lyptus would enter the market, we used to do burns to counter this to maintain a balance and price stability.

After the 8th of July Lyptus will become a full deflationary token, this means the emission of lyptus will stop completely 🚫 and no new lyptus tokens will ever be created. Because of the burn mechanisms the number of lyptus in circulation can only go down, this means it will become more scarce.

There will be a total maximum circulating supply of 4,300,000 Lyptus starting the 8th of July. This number will go down with active eating (burning) of tokens as a part of the deposit fees for non-native farms and pools, the deposit fees of the bushes, the koasino games, eating (burning) of the IKO launchpad fees and manual eats (burns). The IKO launchpad will play a big role in the future of Koala Defi, so expect a lot of Lyptus to get eaten (burned!).🚀

We will introduce more burning mechanisms soon, so keep an eye out for new blogs or announcements on our social media. 🍂🔥

Lyptus will become the DAO governance token of Koala Defi

The governance addition to Lyptus token will make it possible for loyal Lyptus holders to vote about important decisions made on Koala Defi. Our previous vote gave you, the user of Koala Defi, the power to vote about the transfer tax on Nalis. There will be many important decisions to make in the future, so make sure to hold some Lyptus if you want your vote to count! The governance votes are weighted.

Holders of Lyptus will receive a couple of perks

Because Lyptus is important in the ecosystem of Koala Defi V2,loyal holders of Lyptus will receive a couple of big perks for holding or staking Lyptus.

Lyptus holders have acces to Lyptus only bushes where you can stake your Lyptus and earn other tokens with great APR. 🌿

Lyptus holders get a discount on deposit fees. When using Lyptus for the deposit fees in the pools and farms you receive a discount between 12,5% and 16,6% on the deposit fees. Lyptus used for deposit fees are immediately eaten (burned)💰

There will be special events and contests for Lyptus holders.🏆🌿
We love
give aways! As a token of gratitude to our loyal Lyptus supporters we will have special contests and give aways with great prizes. ❤️

We will announce the first one very soon!

Because we know you love Lyptus we will always keep innovating and looking for that perfect balance between the Koala Defi V2 tokens. We will have more big news on Lyptus token soon!


