Wizard.financial AMA transcript
On the 14th of July, we held an AMA in our telegram main group with Babachooo from Wizard.Financial answering questions about their platform and everything coming to our future partnership.
Here is the transcript done by our amazing KoaKoa (aka KoaMama, one of our Koagirls 😉) for all of who missed this great time and want to learn more about Wizard.Financial.
Silfaster : Welcome wizards and koalas! Lovely to see you all for this AMA!
Today I will be your AMA host and will be talking to the one and only Babachooo from Wizard.Financial to learn about their project and the magic they will do on the BSC chain!
Today we will be talking to Wizard.financial, make sure to check out their awesome site! You might have seen wizard BabaChooo’s artwork around! The stunning pixel-defi-art!
Wizard.financial will bless us a special giveaway during the second half of the AMA! So make sure to stay tuned! Some Lyptus will be given away!
Todays AMA will consist of 5 team questions, during this segment of the AMA the chat will be muted.
After the team questions we will unmute the chat and you will have some time to ask the team from Wizard.financial your questions! Depending on the number of questions we will select the 5 best ones and Wizard.Financial will answer them for you!
Grab a nice cup of lyptus tea, sit back and enjoy the AMA!
Silfaster :
Are you there wizard friends? And are you ready?
Babachooo :
I was BORN ready!
Silfaster :
Awesome! Let’s get this show started and let’s do some MAGIC!Before we get started, can you introduce yourself to our lovely audience? Who is Babachooo?Can I call you Baba by the way? ❤️
Babachooo :
Yes, you can call me baba, that’s how I started out, haha
Wizard Financial :
Hello i am Wuzard dev.
Silfaster :
Wow! AMA with 2 wizards!
Babachooo :
I’ve recently become known as The Great Baba from my wonderful newfound community =]
Silfaster :
That’s a big honor sir! Not everybody gets rebranded to THE GREAT BABAS!
So can you guys introduce yourselfs a bit? Who are Baba and Wizard?
Wizard Financial :
Hello everyone, I am wuzard dev , i am from Singapore. I do code solidity, web3, react js, node js and python for living. My hobbies are to watch netflix, play with my cat and roast the great baba.
Babachooo :
I am a pixel artist and game developer! I got started a couple of years ago when I decided to pick up pixel art and programming from scratch, and I ended up developing my own video game, Ghosty (on Steam =] ) which took about a year and a half. I wrote a few books prior to that, which helped with fleshing out the story.
That pixel art and game development, along with investing in BTC in 2018 have brought me to where I am now, releasing our very own cryptocurrency based on pixel art NFTs and video games! =]
Wuzard is salty right now that he cannot use gifs in the chat, haha. This is him now.
Silfaster :
Awesome, nice to meet you guys!
So you guys set up https://wizard.financial
Can you tell us a bit about WIZARD and what exactly your project is about?
Babachooo :
Certainly! Our project is all about creating high quality NFTs that will have a massive amount of utility within our video games and our DeFi website for staking. We hope to develop a wonderful NFT Marketplace, and many different kinds of video games for everyone. =]
Silfaster :
Wow that sounds awesome! I’m curious how you guys are going to bring gamification to NFTs and what they will look like!
Would you mind showing us an example of your high koala-ty NFTs?
Babachooo :
Sure, one moment =]
Silfaster :
sorry, that was greedy, but WOW, I love it
Babachooo :
And here’s one that I made just this morning when wuzard said that he was going to roast me in the AMA…
Silfaster :
you two are the most lovely couple I met in defi! ❤️
Wizard Financial :
what is this happening
Babachooo :
Lol thank you very much.
Silfaster :
you’re bringing us classics (sorry 80ies baby here)!
I love it.
The look brings me back to the good ol’ days!
How will the tokenomics be?
Let’s have a look at the future of Wizard Financial.
How are you plan on making sure that $Wizard sustains value long-term?
Babachooo :
The tokenomics distribution is:
- 35% IDO
- 35% Liquidity
- 15% Ecosystem and Marketing
- 5% Advisor/Launch Fee
- 5% Dev wallet
- 5% Game Development
For long term, I think it’s important to keep bringing people what they want in a financially responsible way that will not end up harming them down the road.
So we will be developing many different genres of video games along the way, and even taking in votes from the community on what kind of characters and atmospheres they’d like to see in our games. We will also be releasing newer fantasy tokens over time (Such as KNIGHT and DRAGON for example)
We will keep our NFTs rolling with high quality, exclusivity, utility, and value as time goes on. And if the trends ever change and we need to adapt, then we will adapt whenever it is sink or swim!
Silfaster :
That sounds awesome, I’m really looking forward to play games and have some great looking NFTs with game functions on wizard.financial!
Can you give us a little preview about functionality? What can we expect? Powerups? Special items? Secret levels?
Babachooo :
Well, our exact capabilities will be determined by what our NFT Technology Partnerships are themselves capable of. But we are in talks with Altura and TAP already about this!
So I can not promise for sure which things we will have, but some examples of what can be done are: Staking NFTs for rewards, combining NFTs to create even more valuable and exclusive ones, unlocking new characters, new levels or entire games, new spells, and probably much more that I have not even been informed of yet =]. But even all of those are just incredibly mind blowing to me! I can’t wait to dig into that.
My first game, Ghosty, is already out on Steam, and is about a Ghost who learns to become a wizard. So we are already planning on integrating some functionality there! So people won’t have to wait too long at all. =]
Silfaster :
That sounds incredible!!!
I was having a look at your website and I can’t stop playing with the flying wizard that’s after my mouse!
What is the deal with this guy? Why is he flying around on your website?
Babachooo :
Well, the main reason is because I was really stubborn, and insisted that wuzard helps us get that on our website! Haha. @ismailb actually did the coding for that, so a huge shout out to him!
The reason I wanted to showcase it on our V1 website so badly is because I’d like to develop a V2 website after we receive funding from our launch that will allow users to travel on their broomstick left, right, up, and down, so they can go from page to page on our website, loading new pages wherever they fly!
We plan on having a bunch of secret pages for people to discover that may uncover hidden rewards, hidden crypto-games, some mini games just for fun, and anything else that we can think of fitting in there!
I think it’d be very cool for the background setting to change accordingly. So if you fly into the castle gates, the next page will have the background being inside the castle, and there will be different doors and hallways to travel through! Of course, all of the main pages will be accessible from our tabs. =]
Silfaster :
oooh secret levels! errmmm I mean secret pages, great idea! I have one final question before we’re going to unmute the chat for audience questions.
While I was flying around with the wizard I had a look at your whitepaper, love it that you took the pixelated theme to the whitepaper, it reminds me of a classic game booklet!
I read something very interesting in your whitepaper, the ability to turn down the slippage percentages over time when your total supply cap lowers and if market conditions favor a low-slippage much better than high slippage. But knowing that high-slippage coins can inversely do very well in a bull market, what will you do if BTC rallies to an all-time high again?
Babachooo :
Dugna lagaan dega!
Silfaster :
Babachooo :
Silfaster :
WOW, okay, that was a very awesome spell
Babachooo :
Sorry, I couldn’t resist. Haha
But I’ll give you a serious answer as well.
If trading volume to altcoins rallies higher again from another BTC pump to an all-time high, then we can definitely change the slippage between burn, autoyield, charity, and AMM accordingly.
I like involving the community in things, so I would definitely ask them for their opinions on which of these they would like to see turned up if we are indeed fortunate enough for some more BTC chaos moving to the upside! And of course we will be lowering the slippage as well as our total supply cap dwindles over time, because lower slippage in bearish markets makes a coin much healthier. So we are very lucky to have a smart contract wuzard who made changing the percentages possible!
Once we reach our lowest supply cap of 1 million or so…
Hum tumhara lagaan maaf kardega!
Silfaster :
Did you just turn our audience into koalas? You wizard!
Let’s see if the koalas have some questions for Wizard Financial, but before we will open the chat….
I understood you have a suprise for our audience?
You want to give something away?
Babachooo :
Uh oh, I do?! lol.
Do you mean the giveaway? I hope so, because if it’s not that, then I’ve totally forgotten! lol.
But yes, I’d like to offer up 250 LYPTUS between each 5 people who I select for their good questions!
Silfaster :
WOW that’s awesome! Let’s goooooooo koalas and wizards
Babachooo :
Silfaster :
Bibbidi bobbidi boooo, let’s open the chat for some questions for Babachooo
Question from Susaine Illama :
Why Name wizard , and what’s so special in Wizard NFT marketplace ?
Babachooo : $Wizard is a very strong tag, in my opinion. Tags like WZRD were already taken, and I did not feel like copying them. Then I found out that I can have a tag that is 6 letters long, so I knew right away that I was going to have the entire name in there! I look forward to doing the same with tokens like KNIGHT, DRAGON, maybe a music themed project like BARD, and many more =].
Wizard will be special because of the high quality of our pixel art and animations, and also because we aim to create vast and long-lasting utility both inside and outside of our video games! Staying versatile will help us stand out a lot. And having our own native NFT marketplace will certainly help =]
Question from Avinash Singh :
How wizard will be best in Automated yields and in auto burn process. As you have mentioned it as wizard self defence mechanism to protect wizard from inflation I mean how this will work im really curious to know abt ur unique process?
And what is the unique and new concept behind it, there are so many projects of yielding & burning?
Babachooo : I am an incredibly honest and transparent person, so I will not lie to you about this or sugar-coat anything.
Our Autoyield will not be the “best” in terms of having the highest redistributions! Many memecoins have very high autoyield/burn percentages, and they die out fast because of it. So we will have pretty solid numbers when there is high trading volume in the beginning, and then we will turn this number down over time. But please note that we are capable of turning it up and down as we have our community vote on this! We will always act in the best interest to protect our investors. And sometimes, we have to protect them by not just dishing out our token too easily. Because if you give away a token for free too much, it can badly damage the value! =]
The reason we are unique is because we have not yet seen a token that has ALL of the features that our token has at the same time. Autoyield, Burn, Charity, and AMM have definitely been done 1,000 times over. But none have been done with our anti-dragon protective features! =]
Question from Tanay G :
As the evolving market of NFT and video games what do think about the sustainability and future in the market, as we see the retro theme game will there be any kind of evolution in it. last thing is how Altura will help in partnering with wizard
Babachooo : I think the sustainability is going to be amazing! Things will constantly evolve, and even if it only lasted for a short term, the amount of gamers out there that are 20–30 years old is staggering! NFT games will guide a huge wave of new investors into cryptocurrency, and BTC is only getting more and more popular throughout the years! The bull run of 2024–2025 is going to be absolutely wild! =D
We have not ironed out the specifics of our Altura partnership yet, to be honest. First, we will complete our dual-IDO and launch, and then we will begin working on integrating the NFT utility, which I am VERY excited to get started on! =D
Question from vercellino1 :
How will the value of an NFT be defined?
Can they be obtained by farming or can they be purchased directly?
Wizard Financial : Okay so the value of NFT comes from the utility they hold, you can literally win the NFT by playing the game and yes game difficulty will not be so easy that it can be won by anyone.
Now after you have the NFT you have series of choices,
- stake NFT to farm exclusive token or NFT
- sell it on the marketplace
- don’t like the color or shape? swap it on the marketplace with the one you like
you can collect a bunch of different NFTs from the same series and MINT ULTRA exclusive NFT which is even more expensive comes with more unique rewards.
NFTs are going to be your prize possessions.
Question from clark Kent :
It is unfortunate that some projects remain half way because their developers abandon the concept because they cannot achieve the desired capitalization in the long term; how do you plan to make this project sustainable for its development?
Babachooo :
Do not worry, superman! I literally quit my job so that I can work full-time on this project! We have been paying for marketing out of pocket, and sacrificing a lot of our personal time and money into this!
It would be an absolute DREAM for me to make a modest living from working on this project, and if I can keep the lights on by simply chatting with my community, creating pixel art NFTs, and developing video games for everyone, then I’m not going anywhere any time soon =].
I was homeless just 7 years ago, and I grew up quite poor, to be honest. I do not need nearly as much as most people around me do in order to get by. So long as my community does not fail me, I will certainly not fail my community. ❤️
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